印度關閉緬甸Mizzima新聞社 Logo of Mizzima News 印度關閉緬甸Mizzima新聞社 DWNEWS.COM-- 2007年4月20日1:59:35(京港臺時間) --多維新聞網 作者﹕貌強Maung Chan(緬甸華族) 在2007年4月17日﹐國際緬甸新聞社(Burma News International)敦促印度政府﹕立即撤銷近日對其新德裡Viskaspuri的成員機構──Mizzima緬甸新聞社所下達的關閉令。它提醒印度政府﹐這種違反國際?辦公室出租P印度新聞法的做法﹐有損印度作為“亞洲最大的民主國家”的聲譽。國際緬甸新聞社由以緬甸各族新聞社10成員機構組成﹕1. Mizzima News Group﹐2. Khonumthung News Group﹐3. Kaladan Press Network﹐4. Narinjara News﹐5. Kao Wao News Group﹐6. Kachin News Group﹐7. Independent Mon News Agency﹐8. Shan 室內設計Herald Agency for News﹐9. Network Media Group﹐10. Kantarawaddy Times。據悉﹐被印度政府下令關閉的Mizzima新聞社﹐創建于1998年8月﹐是不營利的獨立新聞社──在印度與國際新聞法的框架下﹐批判性地報導緬甸國內新聞﹐以及印度中國東南亞國家等四鄰與緬甸軍政府的各項來往與政策﹔它也不斷揭露緬甸國內的人權問題﹐以及新聞業被侵犯?辦公室出租Q迫害情況。據內部消息稱﹕印度政府最近在加爾各答起訴緬甸阿拉干叛軍與克倫叛軍(Arakan and Karen rebels)對印度叛軍武器援助的案件。該Mizzima新聞社不僅揭露緬甸軍政府禍國殃民與大打種族滅絕戰爭的實況﹐還替上述反對緬甸軍政府的阿拉干與克倫叛軍當翻譯﹐因而招來被關閉的報復。 http://www5.chinesenewsnet.com/MainNews/Topics/2007_4_19_1 代償3_59_35_281.html ___________________________________________________自由撣邦主編按: 2007年4月16日早上11點30分,Mizzima News 新聞社被印度當局以「於住宅區內從事商業活動」為由,強行關閉該新聞社於印度首都新德里的總部辦公室。事後,該新聞社負責人立即通過各種管道,向印度國內及國際社會求援,呼籲印度當局立即撤銷查封指令,經過兩天的時間,在國內 西裝外套及國際社會對印度當局的嚴厲關注下,不經世界輿論的撻伐,印度當局己於18日撤銷查封令。 該新聞社特此向世界各國友人發表感謝: Thank you all - an acknowledgment from Mizzima 18 April 2007 Mizzima News had to go through two very difficult days and it would not have been possible to overcome it without the timely actions and generous support of organizations a 信用卡代償nd individuals around the world. Press freedom groups such as the South East Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA),International Freedom of Expression eXchange (IFEX), Reporters without Borders (RSF), Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Burma Media Association (BMA), International Media Support (IMS), Burma News International (BNI) and the International Press Institute (I 裝潢PI) have supported us when we were in dire need of solidarity. We thank each and every one of them for their immediate actions in writing to the Indian authorities to reopen our office. Mizzima also acknowledges the contribution of various individuals and organizations from Burma's democracy movement and Burma Support Groups around the world for their immediate and constant e 濾桶mails and telephone calls which poured in to express solidarity with Mizizma. And for the follow up actions they have taken with their own parliamentarians and governments especially in the Netherlands and Australia. We also thank the friends from Indian media, especially from North East India, for their unstinted support to us. Our special thanks go out to the Burmese community living 建築設計in New Delhi, who protested outside the office of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi today. And last but not the least we thank our readers who stood by us and wrote to us in the last two days. We appreciate that the Indian authorities, especially the MCD, finally decided to allow us to work again. Mizzima Newswww.mizzima.com www.mizzima.tv http://www.mizzima.com/MizzimaNews/News/2007/April/29-Apr-2007. 術後面膜html  .

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